The COVID-19 days. These days are different. While the whole world is still fighting against a deadly pandemic, the only way we can contribute to our society is by staying at home.

This is an attempt at visual storytelling to share my story during these lockdown days. All the photographs were taken using my phone.

A storm approaching

A morning view from the balcony of our apartment. A thunderstorm is brewing in the sky. During the initial days, it was so uncertain for all of us not knowing which direction we were heading into. No one knew how the next few months were going to be. All the outdoor activities got stopped, chairs got removed from BBQ areas, and swimming pools were closed. It was the beginning of an unprecedented time that nobody has ever seen in recent history.

A candid shot during daily house chores

A candid shot from our balcony while doing the household chores.

Masks hung outside for drying

Masks are hung outside for drying. There is a scarcity of masks in the market. So, we try to wash and reuse them whenever possible before discarding them securely.

Breakfast in our balcony cafe

A lazy breakfast on a rainy weekend morning. As our regular visits to Ya Kun or Toast Box got stopped, we rearranged our balcony like a mini cafe.

Fixing dinner at home

While fixing some pasta for Friday dinner. And yes, I can cook. Rather, as Gusteau said, “Anyone can cook”!

A little corner of our home

A corner of our home. Poor frog, stuck in its quarantine time.

Tea break in between work

Working from home can sometimes be quite monotonous. We made it mandatory to have a tea break in the evening and keep ourselves energized.

Work from home

My wife busy with her work-from-home.

Writing codes on a weekend

Me doing some stuff on a weekend evening. We cannot go out, so we spend our evenings at home, even on weekends.

Taking a quick break from work

Taking short breaks while working is very important. We always ensure to take a five-minutes-break every hour and do some stretching and quick exercises.

A different posture for work from home

Working-from-home in a different posture. Yes, changing your workstation sometimes help in WFH mode.

Some quick yoga in between work

Doing some quick yoga in the evening. Staying fit is very important when we have fewer outdoor activities.

Evening brisk is necessary to maintain the daily dose of exercise

Going for a brisk walk in the evening.

Maintaining a healthy weight

Checking weight to make sure it remains within the healthy range.

Watching Netflix on weekends

Watching some Bollywood movie on a lazy Sunday afternoon. With all cinemas closed during the Circuit Breaker period, the only entertainment option became Netflix.

Celebrating birthday with a homemade maggi cake

Celebrating my wife’s birthday. Unfortunately, all the bakeries were closed due to Circuit Breaker and I don’t know baking. So, I made a Maggi-cake for her.

Curry leaves soaked in rain

Curry plant, drenched in rain. Staying home is giving us more time to nurture our small balcony garden.

Writing grocery list on a piece of paper to avoid taking out phone from pocket

List for the grocery shopping. On usual days, we generally make a list on the phone before going out for groceries. But nowadays we write it on a piece of paper and discard it later. This is to avoid taking out the phone and contaminating it while shopping.

Wearing mask is always mandatory while going out

Mask is mandatory while going out for groceries.

Reading books in free time

When we cannot go out and are bored with social media, it’s good to read some favorite books in our leisure time.

Time to rediscover the forgotten hobbies

And yes, this is a good time to restart our forgotten hobbies that we had stopped with the excuse of not having enough time in our lives.

A safe distant markings in the elevator

Social distancing is the key to survival; be it in public transport or in the shops or in the elevators.

Frequent washing and sanitizing hands

And lastly, make sure to wash and sanitize your hands frequently.

Yes, we are going through a difficult time. But I am sure we shall overcome this period with good health and a relaxed mind. Stay home, stay safe, and most importantly stay positive.

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